Two years ago, January 1st of 2013, I was on Facebook. There, the multitude of obligatory and probably meaningful resolutions were being posted by hopeful minds and spirits filled with holiday vigor. I never found myself interested in sharing or keeping a resolution. The statistics of resolutions applies (though I don't fully trust the data... Continue Reading →

To Oregon!

After that superb trip in the boonies, I had the opportunity to accompany my brother Dominick up to his new home in Oregon to finish moving him there.  Along the way, I had an obsessive compulsion to take pictures of random things that interested me.  This is a compendium of these photos.  They were all... Continue Reading →


A long exposition of a weekend camping trip that brightened and beautified spirits.

Me, myself, and night time

I wrote this a couple weeks ago, while I was still unemployed and not doing much with my days.  Since the writing of this, I have gotten a job and I’ve been doing more overall.  Because of this, I have started waking up at a reasonable hour and seriously considering when I go to bed. ... Continue Reading →

Opinions about opinions!

In my last entry, I launched into writing about music and my feelings on it and perhaps came off as a bit…overzealous.  As if I believed my way was the only right way to enjoy music.  Let me tell you, that was never my intent.  You have to understand what I think about opinions and... Continue Reading →


I’ve been wondering about my musical tastes for a couple years now, as I have been growing as an individual.  Once, I said I had figured it out, but I quickly changed my mind as I listened to a certain artist and realized it broke the boundaries of my beliefs at that point.  I was... Continue Reading →

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